The images here were taken while blackwater diving off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida. This type of scuba involves drifting in the gulf stream several miles offshore, at night, over water depths of 500 - 700 ft (150 - 210 m). You follow a lighted buoy, which helps to keep you oriented. The dive lasts 90-120 minutes. During that time you typically drift for 4 - 7 miles (6.5 - 11 km). The fauna presented here was photographed at depths of 20 - 60 ft (6 - 18 m). Most critters are much less than 1” (2.54 cm) in size.
A big shout out to Linda Ianniello (Linda I Photography) whose excellent web site I often use to ID what I photograph.
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Tube-dwelling Anemone, larva
Mantis Shrimp, larva
Acorn Worm, larva
Acorn Worm, larva
Ctenophore sp.
Squirrelfish sp., larva
Mantis Shrimp sp., larva
Planehead Filefish (Stephanolepis hispida), larva
Pseudaegina rhodina, a Hydromedusa
Sash Flounder (Trichopsetta ventralis), larva
Snaketooth Swallower (Kali sp.), larva
Hydramedusa sp.
Veliger Larva of a Marine Gastropod
Hydromedusa (Zancleopsis cabela)
Larval Herring or Sardine
Hydromedusa (Staurodiscus kellneri(?))
Crab Zoe
Arrow Worm (Chaetognatha sp.(?))
Squirrelfish sp., larva