Roatan, Honduras
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Photos taken while diving on Roatan and while roaming around Coco View Resort.
A big shout out to our great dive guides, Gringo & Anthony.
White-Crowned Pigeon
Roughhead Blenny
Flamingo Tongue
Yellowhead Jawfish
Spongy Decorator Crab
Juvenile Blue Tang
Banded Clinging Crab
We caught this sunset as we got out of the water.
Neck Crab
Great Barracuda
Caribbean Reef Squid
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp
Canivet's Emerald Hummingbird
Threespot Damselfish
Mating Indigo Hamlets
Black-spotted Nudibranch
Blackfin Glass Blenny
Juvenile Four-eye Butterflyfish
Wire Coral Shrimp
Spinyhead Blenny
The smallest Spotted Seahare I have ever seen.
Golden-Fronted Woodpecker
Ringed Blenny
Yellowfin Grouper
Sargassum Shrimp
Sailfin Blenny
De Queiroz's Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina}, an endemic species.
Rough seas viewed from Coco View Resort.
Chain Moray
Blue Chromis
Blackcap Basslet
Carl standing on the X where you wave to the web cam.
Green-breasted Mango Hummingbird
Canivet's Emerald Hummingbird
Canivet's Emerald Hummingbird
Green-breasted Mango Hummingbird