Since it was my birthday week . . .

Carl watched the puppy while I went diving with Svetlana. Unfortunately the bridge is so heavily dived these days that we just don’t see as many critters as we used to. We still managed to find some fun stuff including this brightly colored Hitchhiking Anemone. This one was about the size of a half dollar. They are generally found attached to the shells of hermit crabs, so I assume there was a shell and crab behind it, but I did not dig around in the sand and algae to find out.

Hitchhiking Anemone

We started the week with dinner at Ke’e Grill - some grown up dining for my Birthday. On Wednesday, we took Koko on her first trip to the beach. We went to the bayside to see if she wanted to swim. She did and seemed to enjoy it, although the photo makes it look like she hated it or us. Of course being a puppy she tried to eat everything she found and drink salt water. This is not recommended for digestive health. Fortunately, we have a water proof (barf proof) cover on the back seat.

I also fit in a bit of early morning birding, Carl found a little snake in the backyard, and our resident tree frog posed for pictures. All in all lots of fun. Click here for more images from this week around the ‘hood.


Our blackwater dive was blown out . . .


We stuck close to home