On the road again!

This past Monday morning we hitched up Possum, loaded up Koko and Dashboard Moose, and hit the road for our two month camping adventure. We arrived at our stop for the night in a huge thunderstorm, which added oppressive humidity to the already oppressive heat reminding us of exactly why we were heading out of Florida!

We leap-frogged through Georgia (Crooked River State Park - beautiful, we will be back), South Carolina (Sesquicentenial State Park - a nice stop over, but a little too urban) and North Carolina (Byrd’s Branch Campground - a true gem), arriving at our first major stop, Summersville Lake in West Virginia, on Sunday. We will be here for the next two weeks.

Photo at right: Byrd’s Branch Campground, Elkin NC. Possum is the second trailer in on the left.

We were a bit worried about hitting the road with Koko since she was so new to the family. There was no need. She has adapted to traveling and trailer life like she was born to it. She saw her first armadillo and her first deer and caught her first bee. Life is good. For more images from this week beyond the ‘hood, click here.


Summersville Lake


Cool stuff happens after dark.