Summersville Lake
We discovered Summersville Lake Camping Resort and Lighthouse during last year’s camping adventure, but we were only here for one full day. We decided to come back this year for a longer stay - 11 days - to more fully explore the area. It ticks all of our boxes with opportunities for hiking, paddling, swimming and snorkeling. While wildlife is a bit lacking, we have seen a few fun critters (mostly deer before dawn in the campground).
Photo at left: Summersville Lake Lighthouse - it is on the campground property and, while it is a functioning lighthouse, it does not provide navigational aid.
There are several very shallow put-ins on the lake, which have allowed us to introduce Koko to swimming and to paddling. We have not gone far with her on board, but she did not dump us or try to walk on water. It is a good start.
There is a terrific swimming beach not far from our campground. With temps in the high 80’s we have taken full advantage of that. We decided to forgo diving in the lake - too cold down deep and not much to see - but we have done quite a bit of snorkeling. In addition to critters, I found a paddleboard paddle, which I left on the beach for someone that really needed one.
We have also taken to the trails, which are a challenge for us flat-landers. But, the woods are beautiful and there are some really nice overlooks. Koko definitely prefers hiking to paddling. For a few more images from this week beyond the ‘hood click here.