Even hermit crabs dream big.
This time of year there are not a lot of critters at Blue Heron Bridge, but there are still enough to keep me amused. This week it was a little green turtle (see this week’s images) and this White-speckled Hermit Crab. He/she certainly has delusions of grandeur. Perhaps it is expecting a growth spurt.
White-speckled Hermit Crab, Blue Heron Bridge, Riviera Beach FL
The other highlight from this week’s adventures, was this Monk Parakeet and his friends. Typically these birds are high up in trees or flying over, making good images almost impossible. But, on Thursday this group was feeding on the lawn at Peaceful Waters Sanctuary. That allowed for eye-level photography!
From Cornell Lab - “All About Birds: Monk Parakeets are native to South American grasslands—but if you're looking for them in North America, look in cities such as New York, Chicago, Portland (Oregon), San Diego, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, or Miami, where escapees or releases of this popular cage bird have started feral populations. Look for these fast-flying, long-tailed parakeets and their huge stick nests on utility poles and other raised structures. Be aware that other parrot species often occur in cities, though Monk remains the most abundant naturalized parrot in the U.S.” Pretty cool!