Meet Koko

. . . our new rescue. The house was just too empty without a dog. We adopted her at Big Dog Ranch (I hope that is not an omen) and she came home with us on Wednesday. She is a very sweet and a very good girl.

We have been spending time in the backyard getting Koko accustomed to her new home. This also gave me an opportunity to notice that we had five Swallowtail caterpillars on our fennel plants. The next day they were gone, and I found one chrysalis. Unfortunately that too has disappeared. Hopefully there are one or two hidden in the foliage.

Of course a summer week in Florida is not complete without some diving. There are still lots of slugs around. I saw the biggest Southern Stingray ever - I estimate 6’ across the wings. I have photos, but they are not great and they don’t show the scale. I also found my first ever Tonguefish (yes, that is a real thing). For these images and more from this week around the ‘hood click here:


We stuck close to home


A little aqua therapy